Distinguishing between Index Types

from this aql: https://docs.aerospike.com/docs/tools/aql/index_management.html

I’m not sure what these index types mean (LIST, MAPKEYS, MAPVALUES). What exactly does this mean - does this mean if the index type is a LIST, it means the bin it’s indexing on has to be a LIST? So what would this mean for MAPKEYS and MAPVALUES then? Sorry if my question is unclear - I’m just confused about: a) what index type even means and b) what these index types in particular mean?

Also how is indextype different than type here:

CREATE [indextype] INDEX <index> ON <ns>[.<set>] (<bin>) <type>

Check the following docs which should help:

Basically those are for indices defined on CDT elements themselves rather than direct bin values.

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