FAQ - Decoding asrestore output

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FAQ - Decoding asrestore output


When asrestore is used to restore data to a namespace it prints out a summary line to indicate the status of the restore. Within the status line there are a number of fields which are quantified with integers as shown below:

2019-02-15 11:06:45 GMT [INF] [29112] Expired 0 : skipped 0 : err_ignored 0 : inserted 795922: failed 3094502 (existed 0 , fresher 3094502)

What do these status fields refer to?


The status fields have the following meanings:

  • expired - The record in the backup set has expired (i.e. the current time is greater than the void time) and so the record is not loaded into the target.
  • skipped - Only certain data has been chosen from the restore, the records not selected will be shown as skipped.
  • err_ignored - Certain errors such as errors in the bin name or AEROSPIKE_ERR_RECORD_TOO_BIG will cause asrestore to ignore the record and log it as err_ignored.
  • inserted - Record from backup set successfully inserted into target.
  • failed(existed) - The --unique option has been chosen for the restore so only records that do not exist are inserted. Records not inserted due to them existing in the target are logged as failed(existed)
  • failed(fresher) - The default mode of asrestore is to check generation on insertion, if the record in the target has a newer generation than the record in the backup it is retained and the backup record not inserted, this is logged as failed(fresher). To ignore the generation check, the --no-generation write policy can be used.


FAQ Asrestore




August 2020