FAQ What stats are collected about my system when I generate a collectinfo file with asadm?

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FAQ: What stats are collected about my system when I generate a collectinfo file with asadm?


When generating a collectinfo file as requested by Aerospike Support, metrics are gathered about the Aerospike cluster, along with system metrics about the node on which the collectinfo file was generated. What system metrics are collected as part of this process?


In order to assist Aerospike Support with diagnosing an issue you have reported, you will most likely be asked to supply a collectinfo file. This file contains information about the health and configuration of both the Aerospike cluster and also system information about the node on which the collectinfo was generated. The exact commands that are used vary based on which Operating System you are running. The commands run to gather the system information are:

Command Alternate command
hostname -I hostname
top -n3 -b top -l 3
lsb_release -a ls /etc | grep release | xargs -I f cat /etc/f
cat /proc/meminfo vmstat -s
cat /proc/interrupts
iostat -y -x 5 4
sudo dmesg -T sudo dmesg
sudo pgrep asd | xargs -I f sh -c “cat /proc/f/limits”
sudo sysctl -a | grep -E “shmmax|file-max|maxfiles”
sudo iptables -L -vn
sudo fdisk -l | grep Disk | grep dev | cut -d " " -f 2 | %
cut -d “:” -f 1 | xargs sudo hdparm -I 2>/dev/null
df -h
free -m
uname -a
dmidecode -s system-product-name
cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_name
cat /sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor
cat /sys/kernel/mm/*transparent_hugepage/enabled
cat /sys/kernel/mm/*transparent_hugepage/defrag
cat /sys/kernel/mm/*transparent_hugepage/khugepaged/defrag
sysctl vm.min_free_kbytes
ps -eo rss,vsz,comm |grep asd
cat /proc/partitions fdisk -l
ls /sys/block/{sd*,xvd*,nvme*}/queue/rotational |xargs -I f sh -c “echo f; cat f;”
ls /sys/block/{sd*,xvd*,nvme*}/device/model |xargs -I f sh -c “echo f; cat f;”
ls /sys/block/{sd*,xvd*,nvme*}/queue/scheduler |xargs -I f sh -c “echo f; cat f;”
rpm -qa|grep -E “citrus|aero” dpkg -l | grep -E “citrus|aero”
ip addr
sar -n DEV
sar -n EDEV
mpstat -P ALL 2 3
ss -ant state time-wait sport = :%d or dport = :%d | wc -l’ %
(port, port), ‘netstat -ant | grep %d | grep TIME_WAIT | wc -l’ % (port)
ss -ant state close-wait sport = :%d or dport = :%d | wc -l’ %
(port, port), ‘netstat -ant | grep %d | grep CLOSE_WAIT | wc -l’ % (port)
ss -ant state established sport = :%d or dport = :%d | wc -l’ %
(port, port), ‘netstat -ant | grep %d | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l’ % (port)
ss -ant state listen sport = :%d or dport = :%d | wc -l’ %
(port, port), ‘netstat -ant | grep %d | grep LISTEN | wc -l’ % (port)
arp -n | grep ether | tr -s [:blank:] | cut -d" " -f5 | sort | uniq -c
find /proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/default/ -name “gc_thresh*” -print -exec cat {} ;
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep “vendor_id”
sudo lsof -n -p %s
ip -s link


Where a command does not generate an output, the alternate command will be attempted instead The above commands are current as of asadm 0.5.3, which shipped as part of Aerospike Tools 3.27.2




June 2020