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List of client error codes:
Github repo: aerospike-client-java/ at master · aerospike/aerospike-client-java · GitHub
public final class ResultCode {
* Max connections would be exceeded. There are no more available connections.
public static final int NO_MORE_CONNECTIONS = -7;
* Asynchronous max concurrent database commands have been exceeded and therefore rejected.
public static final int COMMAND_REJECTED = -6;
* Query was terminated by user.
public static final int QUERY_TERMINATED = -5;
* Scan was terminated by user.
public static final int SCAN_TERMINATED = -4;
* Chosen node is not currently active.
public static final int INVALID_NODE_ERROR = -3;
* Client parse error.
public static final int PARSE_ERROR = -2;
* Client serialization error.
public static final int SERIALIZE_ERROR = -1;
* Operation was successful.
public static final int OK = 0;
* Unknown server failure.
public static final int SERVER_ERROR = 1;
* On retrieving, touching or replacing a record that doesn't exist.
public static final int KEY_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 2;
* On modifying a record with unexpected generation.
public static final int GENERATION_ERROR = 3;
* Bad parameter(s) were passed in database operation call.
public static final int PARAMETER_ERROR = 4;
* On create-only (write unique) operations on a record that already
* exists.
public static final int KEY_EXISTS_ERROR = 5;
* On create-only (write unique) operations on a bin that already
* exists.
public static final int BIN_EXISTS_ERROR = 6;
* Expected cluster ID was not received.
public static final int CLUSTER_KEY_MISMATCH = 7;
* Server has run out of memory.
public static final int SERVER_MEM_ERROR = 8;
* Client or server has timed out.
public static final int TIMEOUT = 9;
* XDS product is not available.
public static final int NO_XDS = 10;
* Server is not accepting requests.
public static final int SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE = 11;
* Operation is not supported with configured bin type (single-bin or
* multi-bin).
public static final int BIN_TYPE_ERROR = 12;
* Record size exceeds limit.
public static final int RECORD_TOO_BIG = 13;
* Too many concurrent operations on the same record.
public static final int KEY_BUSY = 14;
* Scan aborted by server.
public static final int SCAN_ABORT = 15;
* Unsupported Server Feature (e.g. Scan + UDF)
public static final int UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE = 16;
* Specified bin name does not exist in record.
public static final int BIN_NOT_FOUND = 17;
* Specified bin name does not exist in record.
public static final int DEVICE_OVERLOAD = 18;
* Key type mismatch.
public static final int KEY_MISMATCH = 19;
* Invalid namespace.
public static final int INVALID_NAMESPACE = 20;
* Bin name length greater than 14 characters.
public static final int BIN_NAME_TOO_LONG = 21;
* There are no more records left for query.
public static final int QUERY_END = 50;
* Security functionality not supported by connected server.
public static final int SECURITY_NOT_SUPPORTED = 51;
* Security functionality not enabled by connected server.
public static final int SECURITY_NOT_ENABLED = 52;
* Security type not supported by connected server.
public static final int SECURITY_SCHEME_NOT_SUPPORTED = 53;
* Administration command is invalid.
public static final int INVALID_COMMAND = 54;
* Administration field is invalid.
public static final int INVALID_FIELD = 55;
* Security protocol not followed.
public static final int ILLEGAL_STATE = 56;
* User name is invalid.
public static final int INVALID_USER = 60;
* User was previously created.
public static final int USER_ALREADY_EXISTS = 61;
* Password is invalid.
public static final int INVALID_PASSWORD = 62;
* Password has expired.
public static final int EXPIRED_PASSWORD = 63;
* Forbidden password (e.g. recently used)
public static final int FORBIDDEN_PASSWORD = 64;
* Security credential is invalid.
public static final int INVALID_CREDENTIAL = 65;
* Role name is invalid.
public static final int INVALID_ROLE = 70;
* Privilege is invalid.
public static final int INVALID_PRIVILEGE = 71;
* User must be authentication before performing database operations.
public static final int NOT_AUTHENTICATED = 80;
* User does not possess the required role to perform the database operation.
public static final int ROLE_VIOLATION = 81;
* A user defined function returned an error code.
public static final int UDF_BAD_RESPONSE = 100;
* The requested item in a large collection was not found.
public static final int LARGE_ITEM_NOT_FOUND = 125;
* Secondary index already exists.
public static final int INDEX_FOUND = 200;
* Requested secondary index does not exist.
public static final int INDEX_NOTFOUND = 201;
* Secondary index memory space exceeded.
public static final int INDEX_OOM = 202;
* Secondary index not available.
public static final int INDEX_NOTREADABLE = 203;
* Generic secondary index error.
public static final int INDEX_GENERIC = 204;
* Index name maximum length exceeded.
public static final int INDEX_NAME_MAXLEN = 205;
* Maximum number of indicies exceeded.
public static final int INDEX_MAXCOUNT = 206;
* Secondary index query aborted.
public static final int QUERY_ABORTED = 210;
* Secondary index queue full.
public static final int QUERY_QUEUEFULL = 211;
* Secondary index query timed out on server.
public static final int QUERY_TIMEOUT = 212;
* Generic query error.
public static final int QUERY_GENERIC = 213;*/