Cluster synchronization: re-write keys

by ikochergin » Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:47 am

Lucien, thanks for the quick response. Here is collected data:

We use 2 servers (nodes) identical configuration

Platform: DELL PowerEdge™ R720 DX150
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 0 @ 2.00GHz
RAM: 128 GB
    Intel(R) GbE 4P I350-t rNDC
    eth0 - client connection, info
    bond0 (eth1 eth2 eth3) - fabric, migration, mesh, info
    PERC H710 Mini (Embedded)
    /dev/sdb1 INTEL SSDSA2BW60 raid0, No Read Ahead, Write Through, 128K
    /dev/sdb2 INTEL SSDSA2BW60 raid0, No Read Ahead, Write Through, 128K
    Prepared according to the instructions Over-provision in 

Operating system: Ubuntu 12.04.5 3.11.0-26-generic #45~precise1-Ubuntu SMP

    Server CE 3.3.9
    Client Java 3.0.26, requests use AsyncClient