How to sort all records in a SET based on one BIN in Aerospike

Thank you for your response! I have now a lua script to sort records based on ‘unxDateOfImp’. The script is working fine at my local machine with nodeJS app. My lua file and nodeJS app call is as below:


function orderby(touples,bin1,bin2)
  local function mapper(rec)
  local element = map()
    element[bin1] = rec[bin1];
  return element

  local function accumulate(currentList, nextElement)
 local bin1 = nextElement[bin1]

  if currentList[bin1] == nil then
    currentList[bin1] = list()
   return currentList

  local function reducer(this, that)
    return map.merge(this,that)
    return touples:map(mapper):aggregate(map{}, accumulate):reduce(reducer)


router.get('/udfTest', function(req,res,next){
    var aerospikeClient = aerospike.client({
     hosts: [ { addr: '', port: 3000 } ],
        modlua: {systemPath: '/opt/aerospike/sys/udf/lua/', userPath: '/opt/aerospike/sys/udf/lua/'}

     }).connect(function(response) {
     if ( response.code === aerospike.status.AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
     console.log("Connection to Aerospike cluster succeeded!");
     else {
     console.log("Connection to Aerospike cluster failed. Please check your cluster IP and Port settings and try again.");

    var statement = {};
    statement.aggregationUDF = {module: 'orderByUDF', funcname: 'orderby' , args: ["unxDateOfImp"]};
    var query = aerospikeClient.query('mgProduct', 'impression', statement);
    var stream = query.execute();

    stream.on('data', function(result) {
        console.log('Printing results')
    stream.on('error', function(error) {
        console.log('error happend')
    stream.on('end', function(end) {
        console.log('end streaming')

I register the UDF through the following aql command:

aql> register module '/opt/aerospike/sys/udf/lua/orderByUDF.lua'

It was successfully registered. I checked it by using the aql command show modules

Its runs perfectly fine at my local machine where both NodeJS app and aerospike is running. When I tried to shift on my distributed system where NodeJS app and aerospike are both on separate servers,it gives error. NodeJS app is remotely calling aerospike.


 { code: 100,  message: 
   'UDF: Execution Error 1',  
    func: 'as_query_aggregate',  
   file: 'src/main/aerospike/aerospike_query.c',  line: 704 }

I did everything to solve this issue but could not get rid of it. My modlua paths are same as on my local machine. I also tried to find its solution in your community through this link : Help debugging Error: code: 100, message: 'UDF: Execution Error 1 but could not find any help.