How to use Aggregation?

First, you could solve this by running a query and filtering your results using a predicate between on a bin. You would have to first build a secondary index on that bin, “age” in your example.

However, if you want to use stream udf, there are a few errors in your stream UDF.

1 - you cannot pass arguments to a filter function. To use arguments passed through your main function, make the filter function local within your calling function. The argument you have in the filter function is the record from the stream.

Here is a fixed up version of your UDF:

local function rec_to_map(rec)
   local xrec = map()
   for i, bin_name in ipairs(record.bin_names(rec)) do
       xrec[bin_name] = rec[bin_name]
   return xrec

function str_between(stream, bin_name, substr_from, substr_to)
   local function range_filter(rec)
      local val = rec[bin_name]
      if type(val) == 'string' then
         return false
      if val >= substr_from and val <= substr_to then
         return true
         return false
   return stream:filter(range_filter):map(rec_to_map)

Here is sample data and output (I tested via AQL): aql>register module ‘./filterRecords.lua’ OK, 1 module added.

aql>select * from test.demo
| datetime   | code | age | address  |
| 1480641211 | 18   | 2   | "80 abc" |
| 1480641211 | 81   | 42  | "17 abc" |
| 1480641211 | 64   | 12  | "29 abc" |
| 1480641211 | 91   | 52  | "5 abc"  |
| 1480641211 | 8    | 85  | "44 abc" |
| 1480641211 | 37   | 20  | "26 abc" |
| 1480641211 | 7    | 8   | "4 abc"  |
| 1480641211 | 76   | 4   | "86 abc" |
| 1480641211 | 54   | 21  | "23 abc" |
9 rows in set (0.045 secs)

aql>AGGREGATE filterRecords.str_between("age",5,30) ON test.demo
| str_between                                                              |
| MAP('{"code":64, "address":"29 abc", "datetime":1480641211, "age":12}')  |
| MAP('{"code":37, "address":"26 abc", "datetime":1480641211, "age":20}')  |
| MAP('{"code":7, "address":"4 abc", "datetime":1480641211, "age":8}')     |
| MAP('{"code":54, "address":"23 abc", "datetime":1480641211, "age":21}')  |
4 rows in set (0.052 secs)

Hope this helps!

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