Insert of data using java client is too slow using docker

Are you setting access-address in your config file?

I was able to improve performance by using –endpoint-mode dnsrr when creating the service. If not, the default load balancer IP( gets added to the container’s erth0 network card and could cause timeouts.

docker service create --network prod --replicas 2 --name aerospike --endpoint-mode dnsrr --mount type=bind,source=/home/docker/server,destination=/etc/aerospike/ aerospike/aerospike-server

About the latency for the 20 inserts. Could you run the following command to get latency of your transactions and the ip addresses that are published from each nodes:

docker run -ti --net prod aerospike/aerospike-tools asadm -h aerospike -e "show latency"


docker run -ti --net prod aerospike/aerospike-tools asadm -h aerospike -e "asinfo -v services"


docker@node2:~$ docker run -ti --net prod aerospike/aerospike-tools asadm -h aerospike -e "show latency"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~read Latency~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                           Node                 Time   Ops/Sec   >1Ms   >8Ms   >64Ms   
                                              .                 Span         .      .      .       .   00:19:29->00:19:39       2.0    0.0    0.0     0.0   00:19:29->00:19:39       3.2   3.12    0.0     0.0   
Number of rows: 2

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~write Latency~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                           Node                 Time   Ops/Sec    >1Ms   >8Ms   >64Ms   
                                              .                 Span         .       .      .       .   00:19:29->00:19:39      26.8   32.46    0.0     0.0   00:19:29->00:19:39      30.3   40.92    0.0     0.0   
Number of rows: 2

docker@node2:~$ docker run -ti --net prod aerospike/aerospike-tools asadm -h aerospike -e "asinfo -v services" ( returned:; ( returned:;

docker@node2:~$ docker run -ti --net prod aerospike/aerospike-tools asadm -h aerospike -e "asinfo -v service" ( returned:; ( returned:;

Hi all first of all thanks for help

please help

Are you running the test for the 100 inserts on a single docker container or still a cluster of 2 nodes?

Your service list still shows 2 published IP addresses: and 10.0.0.x

Could you set the access-address setting in aerospike.conf to use the eth0 interface. And also set address for both fabric and heartbeat.

network {
	service {
		address any
		port 3000

		# Uncomment the following to set the `access-address` parameter to the
		# IP address of the Docker host. This will the allow the server to correctly
		# publish the address which applications and other nodes in the cluster to
		# use when addressing this node.
		access-address eth0 

heartbeat {
            address eth0
	# mesh is used for environments that do not support multicast
	mode mesh
	port 3002

	# use asinfo -v 'tip:host=<ADDR>;port=3002' to inform cluster of
	# other mesh nodes

	interval 150
	timeout 10

fabric {
            address eth0
	port 3001

info {
	port 3003


The show latency output show 20% of your writes are > 64ms as rguo mentioned, the latency may be coming from your drive. It may be worth testing with ssd storage or in memory.

Iam using docker with cluster , 2 nodes where i can found aerospike.conf ?

I was able to replicate latency when address binding is not specified in the network servcie stanza and node-id-interface is not specified.

Recommendation would be for you to overwrite default setting for address and set node-id-interface as so:

Sample of aerospike.conf :

service {
	user root
	group root
	paxos-single-replica-limit 1 # Number of nodes where the replica count is automatically reduced to 1.
	pidfile /var/run/aerospike/
	service-threads 4
	transaction-queues 4
	transaction-threads-per-queue 4
	proto-fd-max 15000

    node-id-interface eth0

logging {

	# Log file must be an absolute path.
	file /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log {
		context any info

	# Send log messages to stdout
	console {
		context any info 

network {
	service {

		address eth0 

		port 3000

		# Uncomment the following to set the `access-address` parameter to the
		# IP address of the Docker host. This will the allow the server to correctly
		# publish the address which applications and other nodes in the cluster to
		# use when addressing this node.
#		access-address eth0 

	heartbeat {
#                address eth0
		# mesh is used for environments that do not support multicast
		mode mesh
		port 3002

		# use asinfo -v 'tip:host=<ADDR>;port=3002' to inform cluster of
		# other mesh nodes

		interval 150
		timeout 10

	fabric {
#                address eth0
		port 3001

	info {
		port 3003

Main changes are to address in network->service section is set to eth0 and node-id-interface is also set eth0 within the service stanza. Also remember to wait for migrations to finish prior to starting your test.

docker@node2:~$ docker exec -ti 9822 asadm -e info
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Network Information~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                           Node               Node              Ip        Build   Cluster        Cluster     Cluster         Principal   Client     Uptime   
                                              .                 Id               .            .      Size            Key   Integrity                 .    Conns          .   
9822d2386d22:3000                                 BB90201000A4202   C-         2   D925CFD35434   True        BB90301000A4202        6   00:13:25   *BB90301000A4202   C-         2   D925CFD35434   True        BB90301000A4202        5   00:13:25   
Number of rows: 2

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Namespace Information~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Namespace                                              Node   Avail%   Evictions                 Master                Replica     Repl     Stop             Pending       Disk    Disk     HWM        Mem     Mem    HWM      Stop   
        .                                                 .        .           .   (Objects,Tombstones)   (Objects,Tombstones)   Factor   Writes            Migrates       Used   Used%   Disk%       Used   Used%   Mem%   Writes%   
        .                                                 .        .           .                      .                      .        .        .             (tx,rx)          .       .       .          .       .      .         .   
test        9822d2386d22:3000                                 99         0.000     (4.402 K, 0.000)       (4.204 K, 0.000)       2        false    (0.000,  0.000)     2.101 MB   1       50      1.092 MB   1       60     90        
test   99         0.000     (4.204 K, 0.000)       (4.402 K, 0.000)       2        false    (0.000,  0.000)     2.101 MB   1       50      1.092 MB   1       60     90        
test                                                                     0.000     (8.606 K, 0.000)       (8.606 K, 0.000)                         (0.000,  0.000)     4.202 MB                   2.183 MB                            
Number of rows: 3

ps Lucien how can i test it in memory? thanks lot

aerospike.conf is by default under /etc/aerospike/ under the container.

You could create a mount of type bind to overwrite:

docker service create --network prod --replicas 2 --name aerospike --endpoint-mode dnsrr --mount type=bind,source=/home/docker/server,destination=/etc/aerospike/ aerospike/aerospike-server

This assumes that you have an aerospike.conf file under /home/docker/server on each of your host servers.

Please see:

Although I think your particular issue is the 2 node network having cluster integrity issues because each nodes are using the same nodeID. The changes in address and node-id-interface should help.

yes i did notice that, your right i will do what you said , could you try to take look through teamviewer i will apreciate it?

i did it thanks

You would need to create the source path on each swarm host machine.

i will do it

i did follow it step by step.

sorry Lucien but what about destination?

using mount flag i get problem

Hi Lucien you are the best thanks it’s working following all what you said now i can insert 100000 records in 55880ms