Please see the code example in Fetch Secondary Index results from a Single Node using replication factor 128 - #7 by pgupta That will work for AP or SC, regardless. For Queries, once you specify PREFER_RACK, it will automatically use master or replica partitions on that rack to execute the query, whether it is AP mode or SC mode - no difference.
Specific code part:
//Instantiate client object with Preferred Rack ClientPolicy
//Here, this client is indicating, its preferred rack is with rack-id=1.
ClientPolicy cp = new ClientPolicy();
cp.rackId = 1; //Next, changed to 2 and then 3, for testing.
cp.rackAware = true;
AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient(cp, "localhost", 3000);
//Run SI query
Statement stmt = new Statement();
stmt.setFilter(Filter.range("age", 20,30));
QueryPolicy qp = new QueryPolicy();
//Specify query to use preferred rack
qp.replica = Replica.PREFER_RACK;
RecordSet rs = client.query(qp, stmt);
Record r = rs.getRecord();
Key thisKey = rs.getKey();
//Close this client