Mongo upsert-like capability?

You would use a key generating function that ensures each web node produces a unique ID. The topic was previously discussed in this thread.

In the context of Anshu’s example:

function gen_id() {
  return uniqid(getmypid().getmyinode(), true);

status = $asd->increment($key, 'bin1', 1);
if ($status !== Aerospike::OK) {
     $status = $asd->put(gen_id(), $bins,$ttl);

Aerospike does not provide multi-key transactions, but it support multi-ops for a single row (the operate() method). That logic is implemented on the application side, as I’ve shown above. With the server speed and reliability being what it is, you can afford the logic for handing the failed state and still get very high performance. I hope that helps.