Scan and duplicated records (AER-3648)


A JIRA has been filed to follow up on this; it’s AER-3648, just for your reference. Please stay tuned for updates on our progress.



Thank you Maud!

Where can I find link to JIRA AER-3648?

I searched it but I didn’t find it.

(I apologize for this nerdy question).


Your question is not nerdy at all :smile:

Our JIRA system is not open to outside users, so there is no link you can go to. We give a ticket number to users who report issues for two reasons:

1 - to give them the assurance that their issue has been filed in our ticketing system (we use JIRA) and is being followed up on;

2 - to give them a reference number they can use to identify their issue in the release notes of our new releases (and thus know that a fix for the issue has been released).

We will, of course, update this forum topic with an update once a fix is out :smiley:

Ok Mnemaudsyne, I’ll follow this topic and upcoming release notes.


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