AeroSpike 3.0 installation prolem o n Centos 6

Originally created by ArvindKumar.A » Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:10 pm

Postby ArvindKumar.A » Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:10 pm

Dear Friends,

I am able to install and start the aerospike server on Centos6 … Presently i am facing the below issue. Started fine , but if i do any operation it says cannot connect to local host.

Please can somebody help on this ?

[root@localhost ~]# sudo service aerospike start Starting and checking aerospike: asd (pid 5485) is running… [ OK ]

[root@localhost ~]# aql OPTIONS [aerospike.c:177][aerospike_connect] WARN - can’t connect to [aerospike.c:182][aerospike_connect] ERROR - can’t connect to any host Error: (200) can’t connect to any host

[root@localhost ~]# sudo service aerospike status asd dead but pid file exists [root@localhost ~]#

It looks like one of the previous daemons did not die properly. It may be that all you need to do is to remove the pid file and try to start up the daemon again.

Another possibility is that in the configuration of the system is to not respond to queries from the localhost. To check on this, look at your configuration file /etc/aerospike/aerospike.conf. Then check in the network stanza and the service sub-stanza. Is there a parameter called “address any”? This tells the service to respond to any query made irregardless of the IP address.