Aerospike Benchmark Tool Help

I want to properly test Aerospike using a custom object and batch GET operations using any client. The documentation doesn’t provide enough help/examples.

This is what I want the benchmarking tool to do

  • load ~100GB of keys where each key (PK = int) maps to 4 ints and 1 string (between 5-15 characters)
  • run a multi-hour benchmark where every single read is actually a batch of 1500 reads and every single time we do one of these reads, there are 500 updates on existing keys

Please let me know if the tool is verbose enough to get this functionality.

Thanks, Chandler

I think for something that specific, you’d have to write something your self. Why so specific though?

It’s the same functionality I want for my use case, and what I was able to get with cassandra-stress/Scylla.

Wanted to know if that was something I could get out of the box since I wasn’t able to figure it out from the documentation.

Java client benchmarks allow batch reads mixed with writes. -B 1500 -w RU,1

Batch size 1500 read 1% of the time. The remaining 99% are single record writes.

-b 5 -o I,I,I,I,S:10

5 bins (four integers and one 10 byte string.)