Aerospike Node.js Client Release 3.16.2 (December 4, 2020)

Aerospike Node.js client version 3.16.2 was released on December 4, 2020.

  • A bug affecting this version of the Node.js client has been identified.
    • If your application uses scans, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Node.js client 3.16.7 at the earliest opportunity.

New Features

  • Support setting tlsname using Host object. #382

Bug Fixes

  • Reverses the breaking change introduced in v3.16.0 of not supporting percent-based scan sampling for server versions 4.9 or later. However, note that scan percent and max_records are mutually exclusive; the client will return an error if both values are set on a scan policy.
  • Query with “failOnClusterChange” causes timeout when using command queue. #389


  • Remove support for ApplyPolicy#gen, which is not supported by the server. #390
  • Update C client library to v4.6.19.
  • Clarify docs for HLL ALLOW_FOLD policy. #386
  • Fix minhash bits range in docs (4-51, not 4-58). #385
  • Fix spelling of capacity in Command Queue docs. #376 Thanks to @icflournoy!
  • Refactor: Set TTL as part of the touch operation. #391
  • Add support for Ubuntu 20.04.
  • Drop support for Ubuntu 14.04.