Aerospike Remote Server Connection Issue


I am getting an error ( Code 11: Failed to connect to host(s): 172.xx.x.xx 3000 Error Code 11: connect timed out) while trying to connect with Aerospike Cluster in Remote Server using Java Client. But I’m able to connect to the cluster’s AMC console. Is there any config issue?

My Java Client Config:-

        ClientPolicy clientPolicy = new ClientPolicy();
clientPolicy.failIfNotConnected = true;
clientPolicy.readPolicyDefault.timeout = 1000;
        clientPolicy.readPolicyDefault.maxRetries = 3;
        clientPolicy.writePolicyDefault.timeout = 1000;
        clientPolicy.writePolicyDefault.maxRetries = 3;

 return new AerospikeClient(clientPolicy, host, port);

Your config is fine. The host/port is not accessible from the client machine. Telnet can be used to independently confirm this issue. Try the following on your client machine.

telnet <host> 3000

If host/port is accessible, the following is shown:

Trying <address>...
Connected to <host>.
Escape character is '^]'.

If host/port is not accessible, the following is shown:

Trying <address>...
telnet: connect to address <address>: Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

Hi Brian,

I checked the connection. Port is accessible from the client machine, but still getting the same issue.