AerospikeClient Build/Compile Error In Visual Studio 2015

When we have added a reference to aerospikeclient in visual studio 2015 vNext project using Nuget package manager, it shows build error. Please help me to resolve this issue asap.

Hey Pavan_Kumar,

Are you referring to build errors with code CS0246? If so, in Solution Explorer check under References and you will see two frameworks DNX 4.5.1 and DNX Core 5.0. What you need to do is remove DNX Core 5.0. Here’s how:

  • Open project.json

  • Look for

      "frameworks": {
         "dnx451": { },
         "dnxcore50": { }

and replace it with…

     "frameworks": {
        "dnx451": { }
  • Save project.json — this will trigger package restore process. Once that process completes, build errors with code CS0246 related to Aerospike references will resolve themselves.

Here’s my setup:

Visual Studio 2015 RC running on Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview which is installed on a VM and the C# web app (successfully) connects to Aerospike DB running on a different VM.

I hope this helps. If not, please send us more details about the error(s) and your environment including versions.

