I’m probably missing something (or at least I hope I am…) but how do I perform atomic increment on a map object (node.js).
I’m looking to migrate from Redis and need an alternative to zincrby …
Thanks Rafi
I’m probably missing something (or at least I hope I am…) but how do I perform atomic increment on a map object (node.js).
I’m looking to migrate from Redis and need an alternative to zincrby …
Thanks Rafi
That’s not available yet. For now you’ll have to ‘denormalize’ the map and have the integers you wish to increment in separate bins.
Thanks Ronen for the quick, yet somewhat disappointing, answer
Do you know if there is a plan to support this?
Yes, we do. I just can’t give you a timeline
I ran into this thread after a long time, so I’m going to leave a belated update.