Cannot unload data from memory to hdd

Hello I have some problem with unload expired data from memory. This config mean collecting expired data if not used 8 hours to disk drive. I have all logs, but no have an errors. What’s my fail? Here is my config

Aerospike database configuration file for use with systemd.

service {
    paxos-single-replica-limit 1 # Number of nodes where the replica count is automatically reduced to 1.
    proto-fd-max 15000
    service-threads 4
    transaction-queues 4
    transaction-threads-per-queue 4
logging {
    file /var/log/aerospike-info.log {
            context any info
    file /var/log/aerospike-warning.log {
            context any warning
    file /var/log/aerospike-error.log {
            context any detail
network {
    service {
            port xxx
    heartbeat {
            mode mesh
            port xxx
            mesh-seed-address-port xxx
            mesh-seed-address-port xxx
            interval 150
            timeout 10
    fabric {
            port xxx
    info {
            port xxx
# here's namespaces
namespace prodb_coef {
default-ttl 28800               # How long (in seconds) to keep data after
                                # it is written
high-water-disk-pct 90          # How full may the disk become before the
                                # server begins eviction (expiring records
                                # early)
high-water-memory-pct 80        # How full may the memory become before the
                                # server begins eviction (expiring records
                                # early)
replication-factor 2
memory-size 24G             # Maximum memory allocation for data and primary and secondary indexes.
storage-engine device {         # Configure the storage-engine to use
                                # persistence. Maximum size is 2 TiB
file /opt/aerospike/prodb_coef  # Location of data file on server.
                                # file /opt/aerospike/<another> # (optional) Location of data file on server.
filesize 1700G                # Max size of each file in GiB.
data-in-memory false             # Indicates that all data should also be
                                # in memory.


I’m not sure if I understand? Are you saying that the data should be moved from memory to the disk? If so that isn’t how Aerospike works, when data expires it is deleted from the in-memory index and the disk will be able to eventually reuse that space.

If the problem is that the memory footprint isn’t decreasing, Aerospike allocates the primary index in fixed size arenas (1 GB). Once allocated, Aerospike will not free that space without a coldstart, but it will reuse space within these arenas as they become free.

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I don’t understand the question at all either