Change used eth

Hi, The server has two network ports. Only one of them used. I need to connect the patchcord from used port to the free. IP address will not change, only new MAC. I need to do this on the whole cluster. Can I just reconf eth and restart the network withot stopping asd?

Please share your Aerospike.conf.

I believe this would work, but there are some settings can prevent it from working.

service {
		user aerospike
		group aerospike
		paxos-single-replica-limit 1
		pidfile /var/run/aerospike/
		service-threads 32
		transaction-queues 32
		transaction-threads-per-queue 4
		proto-fd-max 65535

logging {
		file /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log {
				context any info

network {
		service {
				address any
				port 3000

		heartbeat {
				mode multicast
				port 9918

				interval 150
				timeout 10

		fabric {
				port 3001

		info {
				port 3003


namespace like:

namespace test {
	   replication-factor 1
	   migrate-sleep 500
	   memory-size 2G
	   default-ttl 2592000

	   storage-engine device {
			   file /opt/aerospike/data/
			   filesize 2G
			   data-in-memory true

			   defrag-lwm-pct 50
			   defrag-startup-minimum 1
			   write-block-size 128K

asd is latest by now.

And, will the very active rebalancing of data between nodes after restarting the network? Because I read that the node identify includes part of the MAC address, or not?. And if the MAC changes, then maybe…

So again I think this will work, but it isn’t something that is tested. Your network configuration is generic so if it were going to work your config would be ideal.

This is true but you aren’t restarting the nodes, so the nodes will continue to operate with the Node IDs based on the other NICs MAC address (assuming it works after the switch). When a node is eventually restarted, for maintenance or update, the Node ID will change and partitions will shuffle.

Is used full MAC? No affect if MACs are like 78:45:c4:f8:dd:85 and 78:45:c4:f8:dd:86 ? Or maybe there is a way “to deceive” the asd in this NICs MAC? :slight_smile:

The full MAC and HB port are used in generating a Node ID.

Ok, Thanks!