I am evaluating aerospike for a realtime, hi throughput application. Basically, I have a 2-node cluster with a pair of java applications writing data into aerospike as they come in from a high volume data stream, and then a third application will expose these data via a RESTful interface.
I made a simple application to keep querying the same key over and over again, to test performances, but I can get just the first two replies, then the third loop will get stuck (indefinitely):
public class QueryKey {
public static void main(String[] args) throws PropertyException {
// Some initialization here...
QueryKey qk = new QueryKey(args);
final String ns;
final String set;
final String key;
final AerospikeClient ac;
public QueryKey(final String[] args) throws PropertyException {
this.ns = args[0];
this.set = args[1];
this.key = args[2];
ClientPolicy policy = new ClientPolicy();
policy.timeout = 3000;
policy.maxConnsPerNode = 1;
policy.readPolicyDefault.timeout = 3000;
this.ac = new AerospikeClient(
new Host[] {
new Host("", 3000),
new Host("", 3000)
public void query() {
long reqNo = 1;
long before = 0;
while (true) {
before = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Req: " + reqNo++ + " -- " + before);
Record r = ac.get(null, new Key(ns, set, key));
for (String k : r.bins.keySet()) {
System.out.println(k + " => " + new String( (byte[]) r.bins.get(k), Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
System.out.println("Req exc time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - before) + "ms");
public void close() {
The output stops on the third request:
Req: 1 -- 1467986439188
[ various key => value pairs...]
Req exc time: 35ms
Req: 2 -- 1467986439223
[ various key => value pairs...]
Req exc time: 19ms
Req: 3 -- 1467986439242
Exception in thread "main" com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException$Timeout: Client timeout: timeout=3000 iterations=1 failedNodes=0 failedConns=0 lastNode=BB9000100000001
at com.aerospike.client.command.SyncCommand.execute(SyncCommand.java:86)
at com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient.get(AerospikeClient.java:508)
at it.webank.info.cache.feeder.test.QueryKey.query(QueryKey.java:71)
at it.webank.info.cache.feeder.test.QueryKey.main(QueryKey.java:26)
EDIT: if I change slightly the loop it clearly shows that 2 requests go well, and 2 fail, alternatively:
public void query() {
long reqNo = 1;
long before = 0;
Record r = null;
while (true) {
try {
before = System.currentTimeMillis();
log("Req: " + reqNo++ + " -- " + before);
r = ac.get(null, new Key(ns, set, key));
log("Req exc time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - before) + "ms");
} catch (Exception e) {
log("BOOM! " + e.getMessage());
Req: 1 -- 1467987976901
Req exc time: 25ms
Req: 2 -- 1467987976926
Req exc time: 6ms
Req: 3 -- 1467987976933
BOOM! Client timeout: timeout=300 iterations=1 failedNodes=0 failedConns=0 lastNode=BB9000100000001
Req: 4 -- 1467987977234
BOOM! Client timeout: timeout=300 iterations=1 failedNodes=0 failedConns=0 lastNode=BB9000200000002
Req: 5 -- 1467987977535
Req exc time: 6ms
Req: 6 -- 1467987977541
Req exc time: 6ms
Req: 7 -- 1467987977547
BOOM! Client timeout: timeout=300 iterations=1 failedNodes=0 failedConns=0 lastNode=BB9000100000001
Req: 8 -- 1467987977848
BOOM! Client timeout: timeout=300 iterations=1 failedNodes=0 failedConns=0 lastNode=BB9000200000002
Req: 9 -- 1467987978149
Req exc time: 5ms
Req: 10 -- 1467987978154
Req exc time: 7ms
Req: 11 -- 1467987978161
BOOM! Client timeout: timeout=300 iterations=1 failedNodes=0 failedConns=0 lastNode=BB9000100000001
Req: 12 -- 1467987978462
BOOM! Client timeout: timeout=300 iterations=1 failedNodes=0 failedConns=0 lastNode=BB9000200000002
Am I missing something? Is there the need to release some resources? The execution times of the first two requests would be good…
Thanks, Giacomo