We are planning to do a live rolling migration of our existing cluster. Current config consists of two namespaces. One persistent, one memory. Existing cluster: 10 i3.4xlarge instances (16cores, 122G mem) replication factor of 2, primary namespace pointed at 2 ephemeral nvme volumes at 1.7T each
Migrating to: 8 c5d.9xl (36 cores, 72G mem) single 900G ephemeral nvme storage device
Our namespace utilization is well below the smaller storage we are migrating to (see attached info namespace), so we are reducing mem and space, and upping cpu.
Two main questions are:
- With namespace utilization being well below the new cluster disk size, will we be okay rolling in the new hosts without interruption? Same with removing old hosts post-migration?
- We will need to reduce the memory-size configuration values on the new hosts. Can this be inconsistent across namespace configurations in the cluster? (e.g. host1 namespace a {memory-size 115G} new-smaller-host2(namespace a {memory-size 65G}