HI all, I have a cluster with 3 nodes.
I inserted 1 million records in a Set.
With AMC I see that:
Node1 has 340000 Master Objects and 337000 Replice Objects
Node2 has 340000 Master Objects and 335000 Replice Objects
Node3 has 320000 Master Objects and 328000 Replice Objects
Then I stop aerospike process (service aerospike stop) on Node3.
Immediately I see:
Node1 has 510000 Master Objects and few Replice Objects
Node2 has 490000 Master Objects and few Replice Objects
In this fase I also see increasing Replice Objects (at the end of migration phase Replice Objects are, as expected, 490000 for Node1 and 510000 for Node2).
During migration phase a select aggregation (a select count) of the records in the Set, answers with correct value: 1 million.
When I restart node3 Master Object immediately decrease for Node1 and Node2 (340000 and 330000) and are 2000 for node3.
In this situation “select aggregation” returns about 700000 recordst and the result go on being wrong until migration is over.
Question is: why data are immediately “congruents” when a node is stopped and are “incongruents” when a node is restarted (in the first case I don’t need to wait until migrations phase is over).
Many thanks for any help.