Error from java client when using operation command

I am trying to do multiple write command using operate command, code is below. i am getting error. any idea why is it ?

Exception in thread “Thread-137” Exception in thread “Thread-141” Exception in thread “Thread-140” com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException: Error Code 4: Parameter error at com.aerospike.client.command.ReadCommand.parseResult( at com.aerospike.client.command.SyncCommand.execute( at com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient.operate(

actual code

Key myKey = new Key(keyName, null, keys[0]);

//we are using a fix bin name Bin bin1 = new Bin(binName, values[0]); //we are using a fix bin name Bin bin2 = new Bin(binName, values[1]); //we are using a fix bin name Bin bin3 = new Bin(binName, values[2]); //we are using a fix bin name Bin bin4 = new Bin(binName, values[3]); //we are using a fix bin name Bin bin5 = new Bin(binName, values[4]); //we are using a fix bin name Bin bin6 = new Bin(binName, values[5]); //we are using a fix bin name Bin bin7 = new Bin(binName, values[6]); //we are using a fix bin name Bin bin8 = new Bin(binName, values[7]); //we are using a fix bin name Bin bin9 = new Bin(binName, values[8]); //we are using a fix bin name Bin bin10 = new Bin(binName, values[9]);

client.operate(wPolicy,myKey, Operation.add(bin1),Operation.add(bin2), Operation.add(bin3),Operation.add(bin4),Operation.add(bin5), Operation.add(bin6),Operation.add(bin7),Operation.add(bin8), Operation.add(bin9),Operation.add(bin10));


Please look in server logs for a more detailed error message and post it here. Usually, it’s invalid namespace or bin name > 14 characters.

Thanks Petter