I’m trying to scan over a secondary index and want to handle all records of which the secondary index is null or empty. Therefore I created the following lua script:
local function notNullOrEmpty(val)
return val ~= nil and val ~= ''
function cid_filter(stream)
return stream : notNullOrEmpty(record.cid)
I registered the user defined function using the following command:
string udf = "scan_index.lua";
RegisterTask registerTask = client.Register(null, udf, udf, Language.LUA);
The registration seems to be ok and when I check the server the scan_index.lua file is in directory udf/lua
/opt/aerospike/usr/udf/lua$ dir
I execute the QueryAggregate method like this
Statement statement = new Statement();
statement.SetAggregateFunction(udf, filter);
using (ResultSet rs = client.QueryAggregate(null, statement)) { /*some logic here*/ }
And the following error occurs
2015-08-17 07:46:19 1 ERROR Exception occurred while testing Aerospike. [Exception:
Aerospike.Client.AerospikeException: Query Failed: Error Code 4: Failed to find 'scan_index.lua' in 'udf\?.lua' --->
Aerospike.Client.AerospikeException: Error Code 4: Failed to find 'scan_index.lua' in ' udf\?.lua'
at Aerospike.Client.LuaInstance.FindFile(String packageName)
at Aerospike.Client.LuaInstance.LoadPackageFromFile(String packageName)
at Aerospike.Client.LuaInstance.LoadPackage(Statement statement)
at Aerospike.Client.QueryAggregateExecutor.Run(Object obj)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Aerospike.Client.QueryExecutor.CheckForException()
at Aerospike.Client.ResultSet.Next()
at BTTester.Program.ScanIndex(AerospikeClient client, String ns, String set, ProfileIndexTypes index)
at BTTester.Program.TestAerospike()]
Does anyone have an idea what the problem can be? I already tried to move the scan_index.lua on my client application into a subfolder /udf and /udf/lua but the problem still occurs.
Thanks in advance for any tips that can resolve my problem,