Thank you for using the forums, after having one of our engineers look into your issue. We weren’t able to recreate the issue. I was wondering can we get more information from you regarding what server version your using? Along with the Java Client version too. Also can we get a full code snippet that demonstrates the error? So we can recreate the error on outside? Last but least one of our engineer had a question onto why is there a UID is negative in the bin but positive in the key?
Dis-reguard my previous message, it looks like after a second look our developers understood what the issue was. It’s a bug that is in the Record.toString() and not getHeader(). Since when the record.toString() expects bins to be populated and fails with a null pointer exception. We will fix this in the next release. Let me know if I can assist with any other questions you may have and thank you for pointing this out!
Also, I am getting “Failed to read resource: udf/compat52.lua” exception whenever trying to call queryAggregate method. Infact, I’ve registered different module and it was successful. But, at run time, it is always throwing the above exception. I tried to look at the driver source: ./client/src/com/aerospike/client/lua/ and it is trying to load few sys modules. Among those sys modules, “compat52.lua” is not avialble in /opt/aerospike/sys/udf/lua/ and driver is trying to load it.