Seems like an AQL issue. Will investigate further. Meanwhile, you can insert the data using Java client. Here is a Jupyter Notebook code example. I started with no records in my namespace test
and keep it simple, I tested with just a top level MAP instead of a LIST containing one MAP item.
Key myKey = new Key("test", "myset", "mykey");
MapPolicy mPolicy = new MapPolicy();
client.operate(null, myKey,
MapOperation.put(mPolicy, "field", Value.get("useful"), Value.get(false)));
System.out.println(client.get(null, myKey));
Checked in AQL:
aql> select * from test
select * from test
| field |
| MAP('{"useful":false}') |
1 row in set (0.033 secs)
Now insert same from AQL and check output in AQL:
aql> insert into test.myset (PK, field) VALUES ("mykey", MAP('{"useful": false}'))
insert into test.myset (PK, field) VALUES ("mykey", MAP('{"useful": false}'))
OK, 1 record affected.
aql> select * from test
select * from test
| PK | field |
| "mykey" | MAP('{"useful":NIL}') |
1 row in set (0.034 secs)
and output in Java (Jupyter Notebook):
System.out.println(client.get(null, myKey));
So, likely an AQL insert issue. Hopefully, you will write your application in one of the client languages like Java. I will follow up on the AQL issue internally.