How to extend the record expiration time

How to extend the record expiration time and not to reset it as Touch command do? is there any way to do this in C# client?

The record’s expiration must be queried, incremented and then reset.

Record record = client.GetHeader(policy, key);

WritePolicy writePolicy = new WritePolicy();
writePolicy.expiration = record.TimeToLive + 60;  // Increment expiration ttl by 1 minute.

client.Touch(writePolicy, key);

Yes,but by this way i have to query aerospike db twice and this might affect the performance, as there any way to do this by making one hit to db?

You could also register and call a UDF like this one:

function add_ttl(rec, ttl_to_add)
    local ttl = record.ttl(rec)
    record.set_ttl(rec, ttl + ttl_to_add)