How to extract bin level LUT on Aerospike?

How can i extract specific PK record bin LUT?

aql> select * from where PK = <PK>
| A              | B | C      | D              | E                | {ttl} | {gen} |
| MAP('{266:NIL, 20:NIL}') | MAP('{}')   | MAP('{20:NIL}') | MAP('{266:2, 20:NIL}') | LIST('[[20, -1], [266, 2]]') | -1    | 3200  |
1 row in set (0.001 secs)

I cannot find anything that matches LUT on the metadata

This is actually currently not supported. Even the record level LUT is not returned as part of the metadata at this point. I do hope that it will eventually be available but would require a client/server protocol change I believe.

Having said that, there may be ways to work around this and have a UDF return this data. Maybe others more knowledgeable on how to do this will provide some input here.

Similar post on Stackoverflow it seems: How to query bin level LUT on Aerospike 5.5? - Stack Overflow

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