How to save list in java and read it in python


I am wondering if I can save ArrayList in java client and read it from python.

When i do this:

and read the record from python I get segfault. In AQL I see binary data, so I suppose that the value is java serialized, is there any way to convert the data to aerospike list type.


I know that I may use JSON but I think that native aerospike data types will be much more efficient.

Can you open this as an issue in aerospike/aerospike-client-python? At worst case it should be deserialized to a Python bytearray, rather than segfault. Would be good to know the version of the Python client this is happening for (and whether it’s still an issue with the 2.0.0 release).

Otherwise, it’s the kind of thing that’s bound to happen unless you’re very strict about the data types you’re using across different languages, so it makes sense to use a common custom serializer/deserializer such as MsgPack.