Hey @rbotzer, thanks for the reply.
AFAIK the issue with pipelining in Clustering has been resolved? If not, do you have anywhere I can look this stuff up. We currently don’t use clustering but are looking at it immediately due to platform instability in certain areas.
With regards to what we’re doing, currently it’s writing a data set based on analytical tracking as opposed to maintenance, so basically bean counting a number of keys. I don’t mind the number of writes per se, that doesn’t bother me, but just whether there was a way to throw an array of $key => $values
at the Aerospike client and have the system level library do the foreach
loop instead of PHP. So let’s say at the moment I have something like this:
// This array will have data in it like [$id => ['key' => $key, 'bin' => $bin, 'data' => $data]] x 100 etc just for demo purposes
$dataArray = [<array of stuff>];
$ttl = '<whatever>';
$options = [];
foreach($dataArray as $id => $dataToWrite) {
$status = $this->aerospike->put($dataToWrite['key'], [$dataToWrite['bin'] => $dataToWrite['data']], $ttl, $options);
As you can see the code above is calling put()
however many times (use 100 as an example). Ideally, I’d love to be able to do something like:
// This array will have data in it like [$id => ['key' => $key, 'bin' => $bin, 'data' => $data]] x 100 etc just for demo purposes
$dataArray = ['<array of stuff>'];
$ttl = '<whatever>';
$options = [];
// $status could return an array matching the items that were sent indicating their success or failure
// Obviously putMany() would expect an array in a specific format
$status = $this->aerospike->putMany($dataArray);
// Check status and do something on failure / success etc...
Ignore the coding, it’s just to clarify a point really.
That way, in profiling PHP would only make 1 call to the putMany()
function and the library would handle the multiple writes instead of PHP calling it over and over. I hope that makes sense?
Ultimately it would avoid this: