Is there any integration or connector between Aerospike and ElasticSearch?

I wounder is it possible somehow data from Aerospike will be sync to ElasticSearch? Is there any ElasticSearch connectors to Aerospike?

ElasticSearch provides nice filtering and searching capability but Aerospike doesn’t.


Do you want to (a) index data that lives in Aerospike or (b) ensure that an ElasticSearch index result is up-to-date with Aerospike?

We don’t have an official Elasticsearch connector to Aerospike, but our wonderful user community has created two Elasticsearch-related resources (thus far) and made them available on Github:

This resource seems to handle the second case (b); the indexes are built somewhere else, and this script ensures that the results still currently match what is in Aerospike.

  • Aerospike ELK, a starting point for using Aerospike with Elasticsearch for log file analysis. Provides configuration files to get started with using Elasticsearch (and LogStash and Kibana, hence the name) with Aerospike.

I’m not sure what this resource is about … perhaps you can find out more from the developer.

If someone from the community would like to write an ElasticSearch connector to Aerospike, I’d be tickled pink! :heart_eyes:

Has there been any more interest from the community to integrate ElasticSearch and Aerospike? Would love to see a connector for these 2 technologies!