LDT-Bin Does Not Exist error when creating a new largeList

Hi all, I’m trying to implement a largeList with node js using the following code:

               var llkey = {
                        ns: "test",
                        set: "testSet",
                        key: "testKey"

                    var policy = {};

                    var binName   = "items";
                    var llist     = AeroRequests.LargeList(llkey, binName, policy);
                    var items = [];
                    var itemData = {};

                    existingItems.forEach(function(val, idx) {
                        itemData = {
                            "key": val.id,  //unique Id Per item
                            "value": val  //an object


                    llist.add(items, function(err, res){
                        if(err.code === 0) {
                            console.log('insert OK...');

                        } else {
                            console.error('insert ERROR...');


However, I’m getting error: { code: 1417, message: ‘LDT-Bin Does Not Exist’, func: ‘’, file: ‘/opt/aerospike/sys/udf/lua/ldt/lib_llist.lua’, line: 800 }

Thanks Rafi

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