I have problem with function record.key(rec) which described on https://www.aerospike.com/docs/udf/api/record.html
This function returns nil when I do record.key(rec) into my lua-script
From link metnioned above i check other functions - they works correct For example: record.bin_names(rec) or record.last_update_time(rec)
PS: I’m writing lua-script that will be applied on multiple records. In this script I want to get record PK and check does PK contain some substring or doesn’t.
Is it a bug? Or maybe I don’t understand how this function works.
Would anybody help me with this problem?
Explain me what i’m doing wrong or maybe there are other methods how to get record’s primary key.
The problem is reproduced on server version:
How to repdoduce issue:
1. Create record
aql> INSERT INTO test-namespace.test-set (PK, ‘key1’, ‘key2’) VALUES (‘myPK’, ‘value1’, ‘value2’)
2. save script to file ‘example.lua’
function get_record_key(rec)
-- other function works correct
names = record.bin_names(rec)
for i, name in ipairs(names) do
info("bin %d name = %s", i, tostring(name))
local recKey = record.key(rec)
if (recKey == nil) then
info("Record key is Nil")
info("Record: key=%s", tostring(recKey))
3. Register module
aql> register module ‘example.lua’
4. Read server log
$ tail -f /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log
5. Execute script
aql> execute example.get_record_key() on test-namespace.test-set
6. You will see INFO output : with 2 key\value and “Record key is Nil” message