Migration of MySQL data to Aerospike

Hi All , I am newbie to aerospike , I need to load data which is currently stored in mysql with approximate count 10 Millions to aerospike by creating Json objects . Can please you explain us steps needs to be followed.

Hi Vinay. You can do that easily without the JSON object step. I would suggest that you first dump your data out in CSV format using mysqldump. Then you can use the aerospike-loader to insert that data into aerospike.

It will be faster if you split the databases and tables into separate csv files, because then you can load them in parallel.

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Thank you very much robot.

I also needed information on this

There is an ESB tool which does processing of input sources and will store data into mysql currently and it also generate json for same processing output. The generated json I want to read from web service and store into aerospike .

Is this possible ?

I have installed all the tools , But facing issues while running commands.

Can you please help to resolve this.

Also can you explain how to set default-ttl as never expire.

Also what is difference between default-ttl and max-ttl and how to reset max-ttl

Also can you help in aql tool how to query for particular value or selecting values with limit and deleting values from set in aql.

Might interest you :

AS_Mysql - Query AeroSpike from your favorite MySQL Client


thanks for information, It will be really helpful