Node.js UDF Update Record example

I am looking at the example of updating record using UDF.

var count = 0;
var options = { UDF : {module: 'scan', funcname: 'updateRecord'}  }
var scanBackground = client.query(argv.namespace, argv.set, options );
var scanStream = scanBackground.execute();

scanStream.on('error', function(err){

All looks great, however this example missing a crucial example and that is how do I pass arguments to that function to update the said record?

Never mind, for future readers. Here’s how you would modify that example to do an update with arguments.

var count = 0; var options = { UDF : {module: ‘scan’, funcname: ‘updateRecord’, args : [‘variable1’,'variable’2] } } var scanBackground = client.query(argv.namespace, argv.set, options ); var scanStream = scanBackground.execute();

scanStream.on(‘error’, function(err){ console.log(err); });

and your UDF should be now

function udpateRecord(rec,var1,var2) rec[‘i’] = rec[‘i’]+1 + var1 + var2; aerospike:update(rec); end

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