I am trying to scrape UDF latencies for my aerospike server with Aerospike Prometheus Exporter. But for some reason, I am not getting any latency metrics except for read ops for only one of the namespace. If I run
asadm -e ‘asinfo -v “latency:” -l’
I get the response that I am looking for. Wondering why Prom exporter is not showing the same? Attaching APE.toml
# labels to add to the prometheus metrics for e.g. labels={zone="asia-south1-a", platform="google compute engine"}
bind = ":9145"
# metrics server timeout in seconds
timeout = 10
# Exporter logging configuration
# Log file path (optional, logs to console by default)
# Level can be info|warning,warn|error,err|debug|trace ('info' by default)
log_file = ""
log_level = ""
# timeout for sending commands to the server node in seconds
# Metrics Allowlist - If specified, only these metrics will be scraped. An empty list will exclude all metrics.
# Commenting out the below allowlist configs will disable metrics filtering (i.e. all metrics will be scraped).
# Namespace metrics allowlist
# namespace_metrics_allowlist=[]
# Set metrics allowlist
# set_metrics_allowlist=[]
# Node metrics allowlist
# node_metrics_allowlist=[]
# XDR metrics allowlist (only for Aerospike versions 5.0 and above)
# Metrics Blocklist - If specified, these metrics will be NOT be scraped.
# Namespace metrics blocklist
# namespace_metrics_blocklist=[]
# Set metrics blocklist
# set_metrics_blocklist=[]
# Node metrics blocklist
# node_metrics_blocklist=[]
# XDR metrics blocklist (only for Aerospike versions 5.0 and above)
# xdr_metrics_blocklist=[]