Partial request


I want to get only a part of a record, in order to save bandwidth. Any idea how I can do that?

My records contains things like this:

“123456789654321_scores”: //primary key { “1”:[123456, 123987, 654987, 321654, …], “2”:[654654, 325843, 687951, 321753, …], “3”:[643175, 654789, 126354, 678432, …], … }

I want to make a batch request with getMany(), and in return, only get the bins front a specified sub-key (like “1”, or “2”).

I can’t do this:

“123456789654321_scores_1”: { “scores” : [123456, 123987, 654987, 321654, …] }

“123456789654321_scores_2”: { “scores” : [654654, 325843, 687951, 321753, …] }

I need all the scores from a user in the same entry, but I want to be able to get only a small part of it sometimes. Is it possible?

Thanks in advance.

Nevermind… stupid question, obvious answer…