Hello! I’m writing a UDF that will return a filtered list of records. So far my UDF looks like this:
local function filterCounter(count)
return function(rec)
if rec['count'] >= count then
return true
return false
local function mapRecord(rec)
local result = map()
result['key'] = record.key(rec)
result['count'] = rec['count']
result['ttl'] = record.ttl(rec)
return result
function findByCounter(stream, count)
local myfilter = filterCounter(count)
return stream : filter(myfilter) : map(mapRecord)
But when I do a console.log from the node.js client, each record will look like this:
Record {
key: null,
bins: { key: '5', count:2, ttl: 10 },
ttl: undefined,
gen: undefined }
My question is, how can I store the relevant info from the record in the key
, and ttl
properties of the map object and not inisde the bins property? Thanks!