Set new system time Comes Write/Read Error

Hi guys,

After I set system time with the command "date -s “1971-01-01 01:01:01″. The client writes the record (with ttl),with success.but then it reads the record with the return code AEROSPIKE_ERR_RECORD_NOT_FOUND.

However, after I set system time with "date -s “2011-01-01 01:01:01″. The client can write the record(with ttl) and then read it with success.

I wonder what makes the difference and how to fix it. It seems that system time have some restriction on Record Operations.

Thank in advance.


Perhaps something to do with using Aerospike before it was born! CITRUSLEAF_EPOCH is 1/1/2010 0:0:0 GMT. see Expiration value returned is invalid - #14 by isingh for more on TTL

thanks, I got it. Another question,If I change the system time to earlier time will the ttl of the record will timeout earlier.

Best Regards,
