Trial Cloud connection timeout

I’m trying to connect to the trial cloud database using the Go code on my localhost machine.

cp := aero.NewClientPolicy()
cp.User = "apiKey"
cp.Password = "secret"
cp.Timeout = 3 * time.Second
cp.TlsConfig = &tls.Config{}

client, err := aero.NewClientWithPolicyAndHost(cp, aero.NewHost("<myhost>", 3000))

Constantly getting the Timeout error. Here is the log:

2024/08/15 13:28:42 No nodes available; seeding...
2024/08/15 13:28:42 Seeding the cluster. Seeds count: 3
2024/08/15 13:28:42 Node Validator has 1 nodes and they are: []
2024/08/15 13:28:42 Node Validator has 1 nodes and they are: []
2024/08/15 13:28:42 Node Validator has 1 nodes and they are: []
2024/08/15 13:28:44 Connection to address `` failed to establish with error: dial tcp i/o timeout
2024/08/15 13:28:44 Connection to address `` failed to establish with error: dial tcp i/o timeout
2024/08/15 13:28:44 Alias failed: ResultCode: TIMEOUT, Iteration: 0, InDoubt: false, Node: <nil>: Timeout
  dial tcp i/o timeout
2024/08/15 13:28:44 Seed failed: ResultCode: TIMEOUT, Iteration: 0, InDoubt: false, Node: <nil>: Timeout
  dial tcp i/o timeout
2024/08/15 13:28:44 Connection to address `` failed to establish with error: dial tcp i/o timeout
2024/08/15 13:28:44 Alias failed: ResultCode: TIMEOUT, Iteration: 0, InDoubt: false, Node: <nil>: Timeout
  dial tcp i/o timeout
2024/08/15 13:28:44 Seed failed: ResultCode: TIMEOUT, Iteration: 0, InDoubt: false, Node: <nil>: Timeout
  dial tcp i/o timeout
2024/08/15 13:28:44 Alias failed: ResultCode: TIMEOUT, Iteration: 0, InDoubt: false, Node: <nil>: Timeout
  dial tcp i/o timeout
2024/08/15 13:28:44 Seed failed: ResultCode: TIMEOUT, Iteration: 0, InDoubt: false, Node: <nil>: Timeout
  dial tcp i/o timeout
2024/08/15 13:28:44 ResultCode: INVALID_NODE_ERROR, Iteration: 0, InDoubt: false, Node: <nil>: Failed to connect to hosts: []
  ResultCode: TIMEOUT, Iteration: 0, InDoubt: false, Node: <nil>: Timeout
  ResultCode: TIMEOUT, Iteration: 0, InDoubt: false, Node: <nil>: Timeout
  ResultCode: TIMEOUT, Iteration: 0, InDoubt: false, Node: <nil>: Timeout
  dial tcp i/o timeout
2024/08/15 13:28:44 No nodes available; seeding...
2024/08/15 13:28:44 Seeding the cluster. Seeds count: 3
2024/08/15 13:28:44 Node Validator has 1 nodes and they are: []
2024/08/15 13:28:44 Node Validator has 1 nodes and they are: []
2024/08/15 13:28:44 Node Validator has 1 nodes and they are: []
2024/08/15 13:28:45 Failed to connect to host(s): []; error: ResultCode: TIMEOUT, Iteration: 0, InDoubt: false, Node: <nil>: command execution timed out on client: See `Policy.Timeout`
2024/08/15 13:28:45 Exception connecting aero spike cluster ResultCode: TIMEOUT, Iteration: 0, InDoubt: false, Node: <nil>: command execution timed out on client: See `Policy.Timeout`

Hi Ivan_Chobotar,

Thank for these details. We’re looking into this and will get back to you soon.

Can you confirm which version of the Go proxy client you are using?

Best, Eric

I’m using v7 aerospike client on go1.22.4

Thanks for sharing the client version details. We double checked the database and didnt any connectivity issues.

We did notice that you are attempting to connect over port 3000 and you need to use port 4000 to connect.

Can you try changing the port and let us know if that resolved the issue?

You can also look at our quick start guide for reference as well: Aerospike Quick Start | Developer

Now I’m getting the Requested new buffer size is invalid. Requested: 91695177164146, allowed: 0…67108864

I’ve found similar question here on forum. The answer was to check if the database is running - mine is running

Sorry for the delay.

Can you switch to using the v6 client as described in the Quick Start? We have tested that version of the client with your cluster and confirmed that everything works.

There are some changes needed for the v7 client that are not fully documented yet. Let me know if you would like to continue with the v7 client and I can let you know when those changes are documented.

I’m also going to extend your trial by another week. Let me know if you think you will need more time.

Best, Eric

v6 worked for me thank you for help

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