We do not have digest based API calls. So the record cannot be deleted by passing the digest. If you want to delete all items in a set, you can delete the whole set. Deleting a set can be done through any of the tools provided by aerospike. (AQL/ asinfo). If you would like to delete the set through node.js API, there is an info API available, which can be used to delete sets.
Here are the ways to delete a set, using Aerospike tools.
I see. “Info” returns you the “key” value as well for you to do the delete? I manually added in the “key” as a bin in order to perform the delete subsequently.
Info API is used you need some information about the cluster state. It is not meant to retrieve objects. You can delete the complete set using info API.
Here is the link to example demonstrating info usage.
[…] The scanAll() method iterates through the Set and returns the Key for each record found. It is actually the encrypted Digest that is returned, but the Java API nicely wraps it in the Key class […]
Would it be possible to get this feature in the node.js client as well?