Turning on keysend in Python client


A very basic question/confirmation in Python.

In Spark if I want to send key to the set, I do the following:

     spark.conf.set("aerospike.sendKey", true)

What is the equivalent of the above setting in Python client please?

      config = {
          'hosts': [(self.dbHost, self.dbPort)],
          'policy': {'aerospike.POLICY_KEY_SEND': 'true', 'read': {'total_timeout': 1000}}

Is above correct please and I should be able to see it in AQL through

aql> set key_send true
KEY_SEND = true
aql> --set output json
aql> set record_print_metadata true
aql> select * from test.oracletoaerospike2
| SMALL_VC     | RANDOMISED | SCATTERED | PADDING      | RANDOM_STRING                                        | CLUSTERED | ID     | {edigest}                      | {set}                | {ttl}   | {gen} |
| "        10" | "8.0"      | "9.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "InblvsVdzHVVPFElOsSWtRLkqAJwytraTSsWMoEaoYNAuAoIrI" | "0.0"     | "10.0" | "mlCmGc4yuYN8dXpgAY1bvD4SM4g=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2587973 | 27    |
| "         5" | "31.0"     | "4.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "vDsFoYAOcitwrWNXCxPHzIIIxwKpTlrsVjFFKUDivytqJqOHGA" | "0.0"     | "5.0"  | "4kL+GIrLingKfKDNRb1MiS1Pdrw=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2587973 | 27    |
| "         1" | "63.0"     | "0.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "rMLTDXxxqXOZnqYRJwInlGfGBTxNkAszBGEUGELqTSRnFjRGbi" | "0.0"     | "1.0"  | "mFOCvMwz3qrt7kpY/2+u7Pmui34=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2587973 | 27    |
| "         2" | "926.0"    | "1.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "UEDJsfIgoYqwreSuuvjIcPZarpxMdCthpDCsgPlJfvIiylLiBS" | "0.0"     | "2.0"  | "QwYTCU5usJWwB4J/uwTnlEWGNRY=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2587973 | 27    |
| "         4" | "294.0"    | "3.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "HsLQJstfFDYSqtSIMfRDoLDpgfpxSqAQmToFMEwzmcqEIkHzmG" | "0.0"     | "4.0"  | "V8Y9JtXqNZpzqERzOcMcHJQTAjI=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2587973 | 27    |
| "         6" | "291.0"    | "5.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "yvOKszDuIKsHySzCCrQFyvIyJyWQDwZnPABkVnzNVMKgNxvsBH" | "0.0"     | "6.0"  | "oz2w8WA+1/XG3fWTrbPlG7Wjav0=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2587973 | 27    |
| "         7" | "391.0"    | "6.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "FCJNHulbvwdhXKusUFzPXEbmLtEqKFrWGFnvJlcgSQhkgHDASw" | "0.0"     | "7.0"  | "IQCwhQXCNC+8odHBC6U6JwgbUiE=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2587973 | 27    |
| "         8" | "216.0"    | "7.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "QFiGRwNERAcxCCQcgwXZmVgADLfneqPGPoyoCTrMKOajUhKRce" | "0.0"     | "8.0"  | "rvCgRW7Qcvcc9vTcXdxjHaiDc9I=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2587973 | 27    |
| "         3" | "504.0"    | "2.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "jrIWMuAWViCOdbspYtDDZrsqaBlItIXvUKQujEYOPRzmGoxGrp" | "0.0"     | "3.0"  | "k/FnJZNfA3IfjRhqrWs0zt78rVc=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2587973 | 27    |
| "         9" | "549.0"    | "8.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "nodLTROuwmdLhpalFVIprLxIHDrRgqHbTTbahCskowCuzpMoqq" | "0.0"     | "9.0"  | "SmryZ8Ciaqqzo8ixPckB1d2aZ8o=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2587973 | 27    |
10 rows in set (0.093 secs)

The bin “ID” is the primary key. But it is not shown as primary key

If I try to use spark to read the set, I get

   val dfRead  = sqlContext.read.
      option("aerospike.batchMax", 10000).

|__key|__digest                                                     |__expiry |__generation|__ttl  |ID |RANDOM_STRING                                     |CLUSTERED|SMALL_VC  |PADDING   |RANDOMISED|SCATTERED|
|null |[98 53 82 BC CC 33 DE AA ED EE 4A 58 FF 6F AE EC F9 AE 8B 7E]|314398046|27          |2587494|1.0|rMLTDXxxqXOZnqYRJwInlGfGBTxNkAszBGEUGELqTSRnFjRGbi|0.0      |         1|xxxxxxxxxx|63.0      |0.0      |
only showing top 1 row

So Spark brings all bins back but __key is null!

Obviously key is not stored through Python?


Hi Mich,

You can enable keysend in the python client with the following config.

write_policy = {"key": aerospike.POLICY_KEY_SEND}
policies = {"write": write_policy}

config = {
    "hosts": [("", 3000)],
    "policies": policies

Here is a short example using the python client that will write one record and store its primary key.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

# Configure the client.
write_policy = {"key": aerospike.POLICY_KEY_SEND}
policies = {"write": write_policy}

config = {
    "hosts": [("", 3000)],
    "policies": policies

# Create a client and connect it to the cluster.
    client = aerospike.client(config).connect()
except ex.ClientError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

TEST_NS = "test"
TEST_SET = "key_demo"
record = {"name": "John", "id": 100}
key = (TEST_NS, TEST_SET, 3)

# Write the record.
    client.put(key, record)
except ex.RecordError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

# Close the connection to the Aerospike cluster.

Using aql we can see that the primary key was stored.

aql> set record_print_metadata true
aql> select * from test.key_demo
| PK | name   | id  | {edigest}                      | {set}      | {ttl}   | {gen} |
| 3  | "John" | 100 | "5NoZ7P+jiB26nMfpQQi5Tp5kXZ8=" | "key_demo" | 2591964 | 1     |
1 row in set (0.137 secs)



Note that the above config instructs the python client to send keys for all write operations. If you would rather specify sendkeys for individual operations, you can supply a similar policy to any operation that accepts write policies. For example,

write_policy = {"key": aerospike.POLICY_KEY_SEND}

TEST_NS = "test"
TEST_SET = "key_demo"
record = {"name": "John", "id": 100}
key = (TEST_NS, TEST_SET, 3)

client.put(key, record, policy=write_policy)

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

For more info see.

client example that sets write policies

list of client policies

Hi Dylan,

Thanks. That worked with PK displayed.

write_policy = {'key': aerospike.POLICY_KEY_SEND}
policies = {'write': write_policy, 'total_timeout': 1000}
config = {
  'hosts': [(v.dbHost, v.dbPort)],
  'policies': policies
client = aerospike.client(config).connect(v.dbConnection, v.dbPassword)
aql> set key_send true
KEY_SEND = true
aql> --set output json
aql> set record_print_metadata true
aql> select * from test.oracletoaerospike2
| PK   | SMALL_VC     | RANDOMISED | SCATTERED | PADDING      | RANDOM_STRING                                        | CLUSTERED | ID     | {edigest}                      | {set}                | {ttl}   | {gen} |
| "11" | "        10" | "8.0"      | "9.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "InblvsVdzHVVPFElOsSWtRLkqAJwytraTSsWMoEaoYNAuAoIrI" | "0.0"     | "10.0" | "mlCmGc4yuYN8dXpgAY1bvD4SM4g=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2591803 | 20    |
| "6"  | "         5" | "31.0"     | "4.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "vDsFoYAOcitwrWNXCxPHzIIIxwKpTlrsVjFFKUDivytqJqOHGA" | "0.0"     | "5.0"  | "4kL+GIrLingKfKDNRb1MiS1Pdrw=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2591803 | 20    |
| "2"  | "         1" | "63.0"     | "0.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "rMLTDXxxqXOZnqYRJwInlGfGBTxNkAszBGEUGELqTSRnFjRGbi" | "0.0"     | "1.0"  | "mFOCvMwz3qrt7kpY/2+u7Pmui34=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2591803 | 20    |
| "3"  | "         2" | "926.0"    | "1.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "UEDJsfIgoYqwreSuuvjIcPZarpxMdCthpDCsgPlJfvIiylLiBS" | "0.0"     | "2.0"  | "QwYTCU5usJWwB4J/uwTnlEWGNRY=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2591803 | 20    |
| "5"  | "         4" | "294.0"    | "3.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "HsLQJstfFDYSqtSIMfRDoLDpgfpxSqAQmToFMEwzmcqEIkHzmG" | "0.0"     | "4.0"  | "V8Y9JtXqNZpzqERzOcMcHJQTAjI=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2591803 | 20    |
| "7"  | "         6" | "291.0"    | "5.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "yvOKszDuIKsHySzCCrQFyvIyJyWQDwZnPABkVnzNVMKgNxvsBH" | "0.0"     | "6.0"  | "oz2w8WA+1/XG3fWTrbPlG7Wjav0=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2591803 | 20    |
| "8"  | "         7" | "391.0"    | "6.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "FCJNHulbvwdhXKusUFzPXEbmLtEqKFrWGFnvJlcgSQhkgHDASw" | "0.0"     | "7.0"  | "IQCwhQXCNC+8odHBC6U6JwgbUiE=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2591803 | 20    |
| "9"  | "         8" | "216.0"    | "7.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "QFiGRwNERAcxCCQcgwXZmVgADLfneqPGPoyoCTrMKOajUhKRce" | "0.0"     | "8.0"  | "rvCgRW7Qcvcc9vTcXdxjHaiDc9I=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2591803 | 20    |
| "4"  | "         3" | "504.0"    | "2.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "jrIWMuAWViCOdbspYtDDZrsqaBlItIXvUKQujEYOPRzmGoxGrp" | "0.0"     | "3.0"  | "k/FnJZNfA3IfjRhqrWs0zt78rVc=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2591803 | 20    |
| "10" | "         9" | "549.0"    | "8.0"     | "xxxxxxxxxx" | "nodLTROuwmdLhpalFVIprLxIHDrRgqHbTTbahCskowCuzpMoqq" | "0.0"     | "9.0"  | "SmryZ8Ciaqqzo8ixPckB1d2aZ8o=" | "oracletoaerospike2" | 2591803 | 20    |
10 rows in set (0.098 secs)

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