Unable to start service in VM "error while reading list of online CPUs"

Hello , I have installed successfully aerospike in my VM, But while starting that service getting error below. Envirnment : OS- centos6.8 64 bit error :

Starting and checking aerospike: Mar 28 2017 05:57:58 GMT: FAILED ASSERTION (cf:misc): (hardware.c:417) error while reading list of online CPUs
Mar 28 2017 05:57:58 GMT: WARNING (as): (signal.c:210) SIGUSR1 received, aborting Aerospike Community Edition build 3.12.0 os el6
/bin/bash: line 1: 24282 Aborted                 /usr/bin/asd --config-file /etc/aerospike/aerospike.conf

What type of VM are you using (virtualbox, vmware fusion, kvm, etc)?

Thanks for reporting this.

In addition what Kevin asked above, could you provide the output of the following command?

sudo find /sys/devices/system

From the error message, it looks like asd cannot find one or more entries under /sys/devices/system.

Thanks, Thomas