What hardware devices (and their part #'s) are needed for maximum performance from aerospike 6.3

I’m looking for info on hardware to support maximum performance from Aerospike 6.3. I expect to run Redhat 9.X OS. Processor would be a 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® supporting DDR4 RDIMM, LRDIMM, 3DS DIMM and with ECC up to 3200MT/s Persistent memory.

Looking for vendor info (part numbers, model numbers, prices) info on

  1. DDR4 based memory storage devices (intel optane?, Pmem?) specified/recommended by Aerospike.
  2. PCI bus based memory storage devices (intel optane?, NVMe?) specified/recommended by Aerospike.
  3. PCI bus based intel ethernet controller specified/recommended by Aerospike. Intel 100 GB NIC?

Something from a recent Aerospike install would be great.

Starting from your requirements and then working towards hardware options feel like a more correct way to answer the question here, instead of randomly picking high performing hardware. “Maximum performance” absolutely depends on your needs, especially “Optimal cost to performance”. What may be most optimal for the majority of my use cases may not be a good fit for what you are doing. Can you describe the workload more? Is there an existing deployment that you are looking to scale? You’re already at 3rd Gen Xeon so that’s not maximum performance today.

Albert, I appreciate your response. But at present, I’m only looking for the hardware pieces (DDR4 Pmem memory stick, NVMe SSD Drive and an 100 GB enet card) all sourced from Intel. These devices will run under RedHat 9. I saw a presentation from Intel for aerospike that was using the same intel hardware on aerospike 5.4. This was from a presentation two years ago. I’m looking for hardware info for a 6.2 or 6.3 successful current aerospike field deploy using the intel sourced above 3 components. I am not concerned about load or scale. I’m just looking for a platform that I can do a test deploy of aerospike.

Thanx for info or leads that you may have.

Quoting Albert Autin via Aerospike

You don’t care about load or scale. What? Why not buy spinning drives and run on Mongo then :slight_smile: ? This is satire please don’t hurt yourself doing this.

If you just want some Aerospike server running and don’t have real requirements I would recommend simply running in-memory so you don’t need to worry about dealing with partitioning or worrying about specialized connectors, nvme risers, etc. Once you get some better ideas on what you need then you can think about ordering specialized hardware based on that need.

For my needs we have large objects and heavy write endurance challenges with low latency requirements, so we buy the latest 3 DWPD nvme which are actually faster than Optane for raw bytes/s random workloads (Well the new gen nvme are!). For latency and small iops Optane still might be the king, but in-memory with Aerospike’s replication providing a software-raid is hard to beat if you’re in that market. Optane SSD, NAND SSD, PMem all exist to solve different niches and Aerospike is great at running on all of them but each tech shines in specific workloads. If you want “Generic Gen 3 xeon storage recommendations” and wanna stick with Intel, then check out the P4610 series nvme.

Optane is discontinued and AFAIK Ginger Gilsdorf has not done a showcase of Optane on v6 and I would be surprised if she does. I think this is her most recent presentation Aerospike® with Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory - YouTube

On the topic of memory choices, other than density and speciailized pmem requirements/uses Aerospike generally shows that it is not impacted in a measurable way by memory speed. The major limitations even in an in-memory configuration will likely be interrupt handling and network speed before memory speed. If you already know you want PMem then go buy Pmem, we’re not stopping you.

On the NIC side you need something with multiple queues but I don’t think you’ll find one without multiple queues in the 100G area?

Aerospike makes no recommendation towards any memory or NIC. You need to test those on your own and make your own judgement. Aerospike has some list of SSDs they have qualified and published metrics related to storage which you can find here Certifying Flash Devices (SSDs) | Aerospike Documentation

If you need anything more custom tailored to you, you should probably reach out and setup an Enterprise agreement where you can ask them to do more specialized work for you such as sizing and testing for recommendations. Contact Us | Aerospike They are fantastic and usually way more helpful than me