What is the default value for default-ttl context?

What is the default value for context default-ttl ? Is the default value 0 or 30 days?

default-ttl [dynamic] Context: namespace Default: 0 Default time-to-live (in seconds) for a record from the time of creation or last update. The record will expire in the system beyond this time.

More Information Supports the following suffixes:

S Second M Minute H Hour D Day Example: default-ttl 60D Note: Can be overridden via API. 0 means lives forever. In config default: 2592000 (30 days).

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In the server configuration, a default-ttl of 0 means forever.

In the clients, an explicit record ttl of 0 means use the default and of -1 means forever.

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Thanks rbotzer,

But my question was What is the default value for context default-ttl ? Is the default value 0 or 30 days on aerospike server ?

default-ttl value for aerospike server is 0 (never expire). This could be over-ridden from aerospike.conf namespace settings. http://www.aerospike.com/docs/reference/configuration/#default-ttl

and, could also be over-ridden from the client API call as Ronen explained above.


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