I have a cluster , over 3 vm. Each vm have 500 gb disk space for related namespace. But i see on amc , around %20 disk used . Avail% is most of the time under %20. What is the problem ? Please help me. Best regards.
This is a symptom of defrag not running. I cannot see based on your config why that would happen. In fact, your defrag is set to be more on the aggressive side. defrag-lwm-pct 70
where we typically recommend 50. It is a dynamic parameter - so you must check if at some point did you set it to a low value? lower than 50? You can use one of the admin tools to get the running configuration of the server nodes. Not sure which server version you are using. In older versions: asinfo -v “get-config:context=namespace;id=your_namespace_name” should get that info.
The other case where defrag will not run is if the block is still in the post-write-queue. Here too, going by your config, you have not set it to a higher number. So it is at 256 blocks, each block at 1M - so max 256Mb of the approx 15 GB data in each device. (You have 6 devices, each device gets its own post-write-queue). But that too is a dynamic parameter. So check that as well.
Thank you for reply. Here is full conf.
# Aerospike database configuration file for use with systemd.
service {
proto-fd-max 15000
logging {
console {
context any info
network {
service {
address any
port 3000
heartbeat {
#mode multicast
#port 9918
# To use unicast-mesh heartbeats, remove the 3 lines above, and see
# aerospike_mesh.conf for alternative.
mode mesh
port 3002 # Heartbeat port for this node.
mesh-seed-address-port 3002
mesh-seed-address-port 3002
interval 150
timeout 10
fabric {
port 3001
info {
port 3003
namespace ubflight_eng {
replication-factor 2
memory-size 16G
default-ttl 3h
nsup-period 600
storage-engine device {
device /dev/sdb1
device /dev/sdb2
device /dev/sdb3
device /dev/sdb4
device /dev/sdc1
device /dev/sdd1
compression lz4
scheduler-mode noop
write-block-size 1M
max-write-cache 128M
defrag-lwm-pct 70
data-in-memory false
namespace ubflight_datasrv {
replication-factor 2
memory-size 1G
default-ttl 1d
nsup-period 600
storage-engine device {
#device /dev/sdb3
file /data/ubflight.datasrv.dat
filesize 5G
compression lz4
scheduler-mode noop
write-block-size 512K
max-write-cache 128M
defrag-lwm-pct 65
data-in-memory true
namespace flightChn {
replication-factor 2
memory-size 4G
default-ttl 1d
nsup-period 600
storage-engine device {
#file /data/flight.chn.dat
#filesize 5G
device /dev/sde1
compression lz4
scheduler-mode noop
write-block-size 2M
max-write-cache 128M
defrag-lwm-pct 65
data-in-memory false # Store data in memory in addition to file.
Aerospike vers
- Is this Enterprise Edition?
- config files is the configuration you started with. Would like to validate that nothing was changed dynamically. Can you share the output of asadm similar to below:
$ asadm -e "show config like defrag"
Seed: [('', 3000, None)]
Config_file: /home/training/.aerospike/astools.conf, /etc/aerospike/astools.conf
~~~~~~~~~~test Namespace Configuration (2024-04-02 17:31:37 UTC)~~~~~~~~~~
Node |ip-172-31-69-162.ec2.internal:3000
storage-engine.defrag-lwm-pct |50
storage-engine.defrag-queue-min |0
storage-engine.defrag-sleep |1000
$ asadm -e "show config like post"
Seed: [('', 3000, None)]
Config_file: /home/training/.aerospike/astools.conf, /etc/aerospike/astools.conf
~~~~~~~test Namespace Configuration (2024-04-02 17:31:48 UTC)~~~~~~~
Node |ip-172-31-69-162.ec2.internal:3000
Number of rows: 2
Version Aerospike Community Edition build
Thank you so much
Bit confused, can you share output of: $ asadm -e info
You are using Community Edition. It only allows you to configure maximum two namespaces. That may be your issue. Known Limitations | Aerospike Documentation
Thank you much , i try remove datasrv namespace , it look useless with 0/0 master/replica objects.
Hi again , which size is the best practice for flash datastore disks ?
Allowed block size in in powers of 2. (…128KB … 256KB/512KB/1M/2M/4M/8M max) Depends on your max record size and generation of SSDs.
- Aerospike will not split your records across multiple write-blocks - so if you expect records of size few hundred KBs, 1M is your choice.
- SSDs till many years ago showed best I/O performance at 128KB block size transfers. So that was recommended for users who had average records about 1.5KB is size. (This is how the default parameters for ACT test for characterizing SSDs are set.)
- From disk utilization point of view, if you have 50KB records, and use 128KB block size - each block will have 28KB un-utilized - 2 x 50 = 100, can’t fit the 3rd record.
- The larger the block size (8MB max allowed), currently, the more intense the block i/o when Aerospike moves blocks of data for defrag and other operations internally. So, keeping the block size smaller helps in that respect currently.
Hope that helps your decide the right block size.
Thank you Sir. It was very explanatory
By the way, we solved our problem. I reduced the number of partitions of the sdb disk to 1. Now we have 1 partition on each 1 disk.
Nice. BTW, I noted you have configured compression. If you are using Community Edition (CE), it will be silently ignored. See this link for what is supported by CE vs SE or EE (licensed versions).