Aerospike C# Client Release 4.1.2 (January 19, 2021)

Aerospike C# client version 4.1.2 was released on January 19, 2021.

This minor release adds bug fixes.

  • A bug affecting this version of the C# client has been identified. If your application uses scans, but does not use Policy.priority , ScanPolicy.scanPercent or ScanPolicy.failOnClusterChange , you can safely upgrade to C# client 4.2.7. We strongly recommend that you do so at the earliest opportunity.


  • CLIENT-1415 Enforce hard limit on asyncMaxConnsPerNode.
  • CLIENT-1396 Avoid wrapping AerospikeException within another AerospikeException when using async commands.
  • CLIENT-1391 Consolidate generation reset in RefreshFailed().