Aerospike C# Client Release 4.1.6 (April 14, 2021)

Aerospike C# client version 4.1.6 was released on April 14, 2021.

This minor release adds fixes and a new feature.

  • A bug affecting this version of the C# client has been identified. If your application uses scans, but does not use Policy.priority , ScanPolicy.scanPercent or ScanPolicy.failOnClusterChange , you can safely upgrade to C# client 4.2.7. We strongly recommend that you do so at the earliest opportunity.


  • CLIENT-1454 Support scan pagination with PartitionFilter.


  • CLIENT-1499 Check for null node and connection in AsyncCommand.FailOnApplicationError().
  • CLIENT-1499 Do not keep connection on all client side errors.
  • CLIENT-1499 Do not copy old node reference on retry. Node is initialized at the start of the retry.
  • CLIENT-1487 Remove ability to use old authentication protocol since the new authentication protocol was created in server version 4.1 and the client already requires server version 4.9+.
  • CLIENT-1485 Remove ability to configure password hash as the password when using authentication.
  • Create new async connections sequentially when balancing async connections from cluster tend.
  • Rename namespace BCrypt.Net to Aerospike.Client.