Aerospike C# Client Release 4.1.3 (February 5, 2021)

Aerospike C# client version 4.1.3 was released on February 5, 2021.

This minor release adds new features and a bug fix.

  • A bug affecting this version of the C# client has been identified. If your application uses scans, but does not use Policy.priority , ScanPolicy.scanPercent or ScanPolicy.failOnClusterChange , you can safely upgrade to C# client 4.2.7. We strongly recommend that you do so at the earliest opportunity.


  • CLIENT-1377 Reject command when assigned node’s error rate exceeds ClientPolicy.maxErrorRate per ClientPolicy.errorRateWindow. The node’s error count is incremented on any error that causes the connection to close (socket errors and client timeouts) plus ResultCode.DEVICE_OVERLOAD. Attempt retry before throwing AerospikeException.Backoff. Default maxErrorRate (0) disables error rate rejection.
  • Retry on ResultCode.DEVICE_OVERLOAD.


  • CLIENT-1446 Add ShouldSerializeNode() to AerospikeException. This method signals the Newtonsoft JSON serializer to ignore the node member variable when serializing an AerospikeException instance.