Aerospike C# Client Release 4.2.4 (October 18, 2021)

Aerospike C# client version 4.2.4 was released on October 18, 2021.

This minor release adds new features and fixes.

  • A bug affecting this version of the C# client has been identified. If your application uses scans, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to C# client 4.2.7 at the earliest opportunity.


  • Add Exp.expr() to merge precompiled expressions into a greater expression.
  • Allow record parse customization. This gives finer control over memory allocations and how the received data is interpreted.
  • Make ThreadLocalData.THREAD_LOCAL_CUTOFF public and modifiable.
  • Add ScanResume example.


  • CLIENT-1611 Set partition’s last digest received only after the scan callback returns. If the scan callback throws an exception, the last digest will not be set and that record will be returned again if the scan is resumed at a later time.
  • Do not retry scan on QUOTA_EXCEEDED.